Sanix de great motel scene


sanix de great was a good anime I watched until bed But there was a scene in sanix de great were sanix,tailz,and fuckles the knuckles were at a motel.Tailz went 2 the bar 2 get drinkz but he died becayse
the beer waz barneh callhoonz beer 4 korhgen freebman? sonicx said to fuckles "I love you you fucking knuckles " Knuckles said "I am nawt t8ken" sanix said back "I h8te ameh r0se i'm not pedo,I'm pedo and gay" knuckelesduuis said "I love u 2" sanix3 said "wanna hav sex?" fuckles said "Yeeah boi" then sonic fucked fuckles the knuckles, I fapped 2 et,et waz good
